I have a great job and a great boss.
My job is challenging and rewarding. I have a good salary and an excellent benefit package. And to top it all off, my boss is one of the rare ones who values work output over face-time in the office. This means I get a certain amount of flexibility with my time, as long as I get my work done. All in all, I’ve got it made in the shade!
So, when I tell people that I’m starting a business, I get a few weird looks. According to conventional wisdom, the certainty and security of a full-time, permanent job should always be preferred over the instability and risks associated with contract/freelance work or entrepreneurship.
The thing is, I think conventional wisdom is wrong. My own personal experience has taught me that you can lose a good boss or a good job (or both!) due to reasons beyond your control.
Organizations downsize, merge, or worse, go bankrupt. Companies that are thriving must constantly adapt to the rapid rate of change in our world, and that often means changes in their workforce.
A permanent job is only permanent until it ceases to exist. Most often, you as the employee have no influence over when or if that happens.
Similarly, a good boss can get promoted, move away, change jobs, or retire. Again, none of these things are within an employee’s control.
When you really think about it, by attaching security and stability to a full-time, permanent job, you are surrendering control over your own career and livelihood to someone else. Wouldn’t it make more sense for you to be in control of your own career, where you want to go, when you want to make changes, and how it fits with your life?
With GigifyWork, we want to empower people to take back that control.
To gigify your career means to think of your career as a sum of many gigs and to truly embrace that no gig is forever. This means you’re always on the lookout for your next great opportunity, and that you’re constantly learning new skills, gaining new experience, adapting to emerging trends and demands in your field. It also means not putting all of your eggs in one basket by diversifying your skills set and creating a portfolio of work. Last but not least, it's about being in the driver seat of your career and your life.
So, are you ready to get into gear and move your career forward in the way that fits you, your interests, your skills and your life?